Dear readers…Mr F-W and I are heading off on a holiday tomorrow. We haven’t been on a week-long holiday, without the children, for over 20 years. So to say we’re excited is an understatement. However we’re away for 8 days. Which means that I’m away for 2 Sundays and am therefore not going be blogging for 2 whole weeks.
Read more: Quick Gardening UpdateMy next blog will be on Sunday 3rd July. I promise to come back refreshed and full of gardening news. I may also be full of gardening woes – as youngest F-W is watering my containers in my absence – fingers crossed he doesn’t forget!!
But in the meantime, I’m sure you’ll be mightily happy to have a break from yours truly. And after all, with so much going on in your gardens (mine has just gone bonkers) you probably won’t have a spare minute to miss me.
So have a fantastic two weeks folks. I’ll see you in July. But before I head off I thought I’d share a few of my latest clematis pictures from the garden, as they’re looking particularly jolly at the moment.

Have an amazing two weeks of happy gardening xx
Have a lovely week, and don’t worry about the kids they will be fine, (from experience) the watering a different matter (he!he!)seriously he will water, just enjoy and be surprised at how much everything has grown in a week!
Ah thank you. We’ve arrived and I already feel v relaxed!!